Since having my girls I’ve realized just how quickly time passes. When they’re so little and you’re sleep deprived or struggling through the terrific 2s, the days feel incredibly long. But one day you wake up and find yourself three kids in, with the oldest too big to be picked up now. Those years, they’re super short and waiting until next year or the year after to take the vacation, you’ll run out of them, trust me.ย 

Life is short, take the vacation today!

When we started our family, we knew that our travel bug wouldn’t just go away. And sure enough, we were right! As soon as my postpartum self was feeling more like my pre-baby self, it was back. And at that moment, we decided that we were going to keep seeing the world and show it to our kids too. We decided we didn’t want to wait to take the vacation, we wanted to do it today. We wanted to make the memories, share the experiences, and one day tell our daughter about her exciting childhood. So we booked it and took our very first family vacation to WDW!

Fast forward almost 7 years and we haven’t slowed down since. No waiting here, the right time is now. And even though vacationing with three kids 5 and under, one of which was an infant, wasn’t easy, it was 100% worth it. Our girls will only be little for so long and sadly their belief in everything make-believe and magic will someday fade. So today’s the perfect time to give them, and us, precious memories that’ll last forever!

Always remember this, you’ll never regret the vacations you took, but you’ll definitely regret the vacations you didn’t take!
