We did it!!! We officially took our new family of 5 to WDW!

Sometimes I can’t believe that our three little girls experienced WDW for the first time while they were just little babies, but it’s true! This Disney loving Mommy and Daddy wanted to keep creating new memories with each new addition, and that we did. We have some amazing stories to tell them when they’re older and moments that we’ll cherish as a family for forever!

So when did we get the crazy idea to take our 5, 3, and 4 month old to WDW? Well, truth be told our littlest princess was destined for Disney ever since she was in utero. We babymooned with her older sisters while she was only the size of a kiwi and after that we made the plan for our big return when she was Earth side. And the rest was history!

Flash forward some months later and we were suited up and ready to experience the magic. I say this after every vacation, but this was our favorite one yet. After all, we had our littlest princess in tow this trip, our oldest was headed off to kindergarten soon, and our middle was bound for preschool in the fall. Far too many emotional milestones were coming at once for this Mommy, so why not add in our very first vacation as a family of 5?!?!

We came, we met, we ate, we rode, and we did it all with three princesses 5 and under, ah!!!! And what I love most is how each of our littles has a very different list of favorites from our adventure. Our oldest got to ride to her heart’s content with Daddy, reaching that pivotal 44″ mark. But when she wasn’t riding, she’d tell you tea time with Mommy, Daddy, and her sisters at The Grand Floridian and getting her face painted were at the top of her list too. Her mini me and tag team partner finally found her groove with the characters this time around. It took awhile for my little watcher to warm up to her best friends from afar, but this trip was it for her. It was hugs all around and a few tears for her sappy Mom as well. And our tiny little peanut, I’ve never seen a bigger smile or heard a louder laugh from a 4 month old before. The characters were a favorite for her too, even getting some extra snuggle time and kisses from Cinderella and Elena. We may have walked away with some royal babysitters in our pocket!

I’ve heard it before, when you take little kids as little as ours, why do it? Will they even remember? And my answer has stayed the same through these years, they might, they might not but we always will. Our memories are their memories. And even though it’s not “easy” taking on this kind of vacation with my royal family, there’s no other place I’d rather be then in Disney World with my four other pieces of me.

However, I will say this, this trip also meant some serious revelations on just how different our Disney trips will look in the future. I’m talking us needing almost a full row on the plane, two Doombuggies, two rows on Navi River Journey, one very crowded teacup, and two Peter Pan pirate ships. I see a lot of “5 Dole Whips in the future!”
