Were you a Mickey fan before becoming Mom and Dad? Haven’t been back to Disney since expanding your family? Wondering when the “right” age is to introduce your little ones to The Most Magical Place On Earth?

Planning the perfect time for your family’s first vacation to Disney has no right answer. Some parents like to wait until the kids are old enough to carry their own weight or as I’ve heard many times “remember” it for themselves. Okay, I have to be honest on this theory. I totally understand the option to wait until your kids are out of the diaper, napping, and stroller stage. But I’d love to ask every parent’s earliest vacation memory. I don’t know about you but my memories prior to 10 aren’t vivid and detailed like my parents probably wish they’d be. Sure, I have somewhat of a highlight reel going on with the main events, but for the details, I rely on home movies and pictures.

And here’s my take on the “right” age debate amongst Disney parents out there. There really is no right age when your kids will be guaranteed to remember it all, appreciate it the most, walk the entire time without complaining, and just generally be perfect angelic forms of themselves that will forever remember every detail of their adventure. The truth is and what I like to remind parents is that vacations aren’t just for your kids but they’re for you too. You’ll be amazed at the fun that can be had with your tiny humans before they’re of age to order off of the Disney adult menu. As for the memories, you’ll make plenty and capture them all so you can share them for years to come with your miniatures. And spoiler alert, don’t underestimate the memory of a little one because my preschooler remembers plenty from her early Disney days. Will she when she’s my age, maybe not, but for now she gets to enjoy her own Disney memories and tell her own story.

But what will your baby enjoy on a Disney vacation? PLENTY!!!!! When I say Disney has something for everyone, I mean it! I’ve taken my girls over various developmental stages in their early years and every single vacation has been totally different for them. On their first, pre-1 year old vacation they laughed at characters, smiled on every single family ride, clapped during parades, and crawled in their first Mickey ears. Flash forward to now when they either love or love from afar the characters, taste foods from around Epcot’s World Showcase, and have favorite rides. Every trip has been special in it’s own way and the memories have lived on for forever.

If I’ve convinced you that a Disney vacation in your early family years isn’t totally off the table, now you might be wondering how you do it logistically and still enjoy it all. First of all, don’t be scared of traveling with babies, toddlers, preschoolers, or early elementary schoolers. They might be intimidating at times, trust me I know, but if you’re organized and prepared you’ll be able to conquer the impossible! Wondering what the secret is??? Just ask me! I’ve done Disney with tiny babies, mobile toddlers, and fiesty preschoolers multiple times, all with a double stroller and diapers in tow. And guess what, we’ve already planned our triumphant return with our new family of 5 title (eek!!!)!

Disney is totally doable and better than that enjoyable with your growing family! Don’t wait to experience the magic, let’s plan it today!
