A little bit about me...

My name is Lindsay, lead travel agent with Poison Apple Travel. I’m College of Disney Knowledge trained and a Disney gal through and through.  But more than that, I’m a mom to 3 Disney Daughters!

We live our lives in Disney style and any chance we get we head back to our happy place. Pre-kids, we saw the world, including the Happiest Place On Earth, and then the first of our little darlings made her debut. We christened her with her first Disney vacation at the tender age of 9 months. And from then on she’s grown up in a world of Disney, where magic is real, fairy tales come true, and her best friends are squishy and fuzzy. And then came little sissy #1, who just like her big sister, adopted a Disney best friend and sang Let It Go loud and proud before you could understand half of her vocabulary. To round out the princess trio, our newest little addition had a Disney vacation booked before she was Earthside and made her official Disney debut at just 4 months old. My girls have grown up in Disney crocs and Mickey ears, literally being Disney bound in the womb and beyond, and they too have fallen in love with the magic! 

We’ve got photo albums full of moments, of our girls growing up, of us growing as a family, and of the smiles and laughs that we share during every Disney vacation. It’s those photos and videos that keep us coming back. It’s our happy place, and even for Mommy and Daddy the magic couldn’t be more real!

After many a Disney trip, okay admittedly over 15 in just my adult years, my love of traveling has grown exponentially. I love the excitement of planning a trip, from picking out the dates and putting it on the books to shopping and packing the days (or weeks!) before. And even though I’ve fallen in love with the Grand Canal in Venice, the cliffside village of Santorini in Greece, and the island of Capri in Naples, the biggest part of my heart belongs to none other than Disney itself. Maybe it’s seeing the magic through my girls’ eyes or maybe it’s just the kid in me coming alive, but every vacation I feel like I’ve come home! 

I want Disney to come alive for you too! And I can make that happen. Feel free to message me today to get started on your Disney vacation!


°o° Lindsay